Welcoming the 2020 Kinder Scholars
It’s with great pleasure that we get to announce this year’s class of the Kinder Scholars D.C. Summer Program, members of which will head east in June 2020 to embark on a ten-week journey of interning, studying, and exploring in the capital.
Ethan Anderson (History & English)
Logan Boone (History & Economics)
Kadie Clark (Geography & Economics)
Olivia Evans (Journalism)
Sidne Fonville (Journalism & French)
Cameron Furbeck (Political Science & Economics)
David Garcia (History)
Catherine Hutinett (Anthropology & History)
Hope Johnson (Journalism & Art)
Caleb Long (Political Science & History)
Emily Lower (Statistics & Political Science)
Cassandra Marks (Political Science & Economics)
Evan Moylan (Economics & Statistics)
Grant Poppe (History)
Katie Reich (Communication & Political Science)
Zoe Rich (Marketing & Art)
Isabelle Robles (Journalism)
Alexandra Sharp (Journalism & International Studies)
Austin Stafford (History)
Zach Taylor (Journalism, Political Science, & Psychology)
Kendall Tucker (Political Science)
Becca Wells (Statistics & Political Science)