First Spring 2015 Meeting of the Missouri Regional Seminar on Early American History


The Kinder Forum on Constitutional Democracy hosted the first spring 2015 meeting of the Missouri Regional Seminar on Early American History (MRSEAH) on February 27, at the Broadway Hotel in downtown Columbia. A special “double-header” event, the seminar began with Prof. David Konig (Washington University in St. Louis) leading a discussion of a pre-circulated chapter from The Lost Tradition of Economic Equality in America, 1600-1880, a new book manuscript authored by Truman State University Prof. of History Daniel Mandell. A brief reception followed the discussion, after which attendees re-convened for a dinner lecture delivered by Prof. Peter Kastor (Washington University), entitled “Creating a Federal Government, 1789-1829: A Digital History of Early Policy Making.”

The second spring meeting of the MRSEAH will be held on March 20, 2015, in St. Louis, MO. For more information on the MRSEAH, including a PDF of the article by Prof. Caitlin Fitz (Northwestern University) that will be discussed during the March 20 meeting of the seminar, please contact Prof. Jeffrey L. Pasley at: