2020-21 Undergraduate Oxford Fellowship Applications Now Open
Applications are now open for the Kinder Institute’s next undergraduate Oxford Fellow, who will spend the entire 2020-21 academic year as a fully embedded second-year student of history at Corpus Christi College. All rising juniors and seniors at Mizzou who have demonstrated exceptional aptitude for the study of history are eligible to apply, and program details and application instructions can be found in the call below.
General queries about the program can be directed to Kinder Institute Communications Associate Thomas Kane, KaneTC@missouri.edu, and specific questions about academic life at Corpus can be directed to Oxford Fellowship Coordinator, Kinder Institute Endowed Chair in Constitutional Democracy, and Professor of History Jay Sexton, SextonJ@missouri.edu. The deadline to submit a fellowship application is April 10, 2020. All completed applications can be sent to Dr. Kane at the email address above.