News, Media & Publications
October 12, 2021
RECAP: “Dividing the City,” Friday Colloquium with University of Iowa Prof. Colin Gordon
Making a return visit to Columbia, after being one of the Kinder Forum’s first speakers back in Fall 2014, University of Iowa Professor Colin Gordon used his October 8 colloquium on the fourth floor of Jesse Hall to introduce the next phase of his research on the history of racial segregation in Greater St. Louis. […]
September 27, 2021
RECAP: “The Political Inclusion of Americans Abroad,” with KICD Postdoc Tara Ginnane
If social science theories often try to flatten ambiguities in political identity, the subject of Kinder Institute Postdoctoral Fellow Tara Ginnane’s September 24th talk—the rise of American external voting policy and the new ideas about national membership and belonging that came with it—allows these ambiguities room to take on appropriate significance. The ‘American’ designation for […]
September 23, 2021
New Winter/Spring Study Abroad Offering: Race & Politics in South Africa
Mizzou undergraduates of any major can examine the history and legacies of racialized rule in South Africa through HIST/CNST_DEM/BL_STU 4835: Race & Politics in South Africa, a three-credit hour class that includes an intersession study abroad component hosted at University of the Western Cape, in Cape Town, from January 5 – January 15, 2022, that […]
September 20, 2021
RECAP: “The (Un)written Constitution,” James E. Fleming & Linda C. McClain Constitution Day Lecture w/ Claremont McKenna’s George Thomas
In describing the book from which his Constitution Day lecture took its title, Claremont McKenna Wohlford Professor of American Political Institutions George Thomas noted that his October 2021 Oxford University Press monograph was not composed with a strong position on the Constitution in mind. Instead, by taking a more conceptual or empirical perspective, his goal, […]
September 13, 2021
RECAP: “Coercion and Contract Labor in the Early Modern English Atlantic World,” Colloquium w/ Inaugural Kinder Junior Research Fellow Sonia Tycko
Before taking her new post at University of Edinburgh, Prof. Sonia Tycko, the Kinder Institute’s inaugural Junior Research Fellow at Oxford, paid a final visit to Columbia to present her research on coercion and contract labor in, as she described it, the England of Shakespeare, Milton, Locke, and Hobbes. We began in a 17th-century courtroom […]
September 8, 2021
2022 Shawnee Trail Conference Call-for-Papers
In the early nineteenth century, the Shawnee Trail conveyed cattle from Texas pasture-lands to Missouri railheads and thence the nation. Drawing on this spirit of regional connections and networks of exchange, the Shawnee Trail Conference was launched in 2015 as a way for scholars throughout the Midwest to share their research on topics related to […]