News, Media & Publications


November 3, 2022

RECAP: “Disease, Power, and Capitalism in the Cotton Kingdom,” Colloquium w/ Prof. Kathryn Olivarius

New Orleans was, by a decent margin, antebellum America’s deadliest city, the nation’s ‘necropolis’ as Stanford historian Kathryn Olivarius dubbed it in the title to her 2022 Harvard University Press monograph. Every three years, 8% of the city’s population died, a vastly disproportionate (and, as we would see, excessively disproportionate) number of them because of […]

November 3, 2022

RECAP: “The Culture of National Security Secrets in Modern America,” Colloquium w/ East Anglia Prof. Kaeten Mistry

That some state secrets must exist—think nuclear codes—is a given. Still, the very nature of state secrecy challenges core democratic principles regarding freedom of speech, free society, and open and transparent government. As East Anglia University Associate Professor of American History Kaeten Mistry explored in his October 14 talk at the Kinder Institute, justly and […]

September 12, 2022

RECAP: “The Historian’s Case against the Independent State Legislature Theory,” Colloquium w/ George Mason Historian Rosemarie Zagarri

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon hear Moore v. Harper, a case which will rule on whether the North Carolina Supreme Court was within its constitutional right to overturn the state legislature’s most recent redistricted congressional maps. This much is clear: Per Article I, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, state legislatures are empowered to […]