News, Media & Publications


April 22, 2021

RECAP: “Re-thinking the Separation of Powers,” Colloquium w/ McGill University Tomlinson Prof. Jacob Levy

In contextualizing the central theme of his April 16 talk within the history of political thought, McGill University Tomlinson Professor of Political Theory Jacob Levy summoned a figure who has become something of a familiar specter in the Kinder Institute’s 2020-21 Friday Colloquium Series: Montesquieu. Specifically, he held out Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws as […]

March 30, 2021

RECAP: “The Recurring Crises of American Democracy,” Book Talk w/ Profs. Suzanne Mettler (Cornell) and Robert Lieberman (Johns Hopkins)

After sending their recent co-authored book, Four Threats: The Recurring Crises of American Democracy, to press about a year ago, Cornell University John L. Senior Professor of American Institutions Suzanne Mettler and Johns Hopkins Krieger-Eisenhower Professor of Political Science Robert Lieberman watched as the threats to democracy that they examined escalated, culminating in the January […]