News, Media & Publications


November 2, 2020

RECAP: “Moderation in America,” Zoom Colloquium with Indiana University Prof. Aurelian Craiutu

The specter of Barry Goldwater hangs over the recent history of moderation. “Extremism in defense of liberty,” he proclaimed in his presidential nomination acceptance speech at the 1964 Republican National Convention, “is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.” As Indiana University Professor of Political Science Aurelian Craiutu noted in introducing his […]

October 19, 2020

RECAP: “Policing & Criminal Justice Reform,” A Conversation with Rafael Mangual, Prof. S. David Mitchell, and Prof. Jen Selin

Numbers vs. historical narrative took center stage in the opening remarks for the October 2nd “Policing & Criminal Justice Reform” panel delivered by Manhattan Institute Deputy Director of Legal Policy Rafael Mangual and University of Missouri Ruth L. Hulston Professor of Law S. David Mitchell. On the empirical side, when asked about the most important […]

September 22, 2020

RECAP: “One Woman, One Vote,” Constitution Day Lecture w/ Distinguished Prof. Marjorie J. Spruill

The obstacles suffragists faced in the “continuous, seemingly endless chain of activity” that led up to the ratification of the 19th Amendment were, University of South Carolina Distinguished Professor Emerita Marjorie J. Spruill described, to some extent built into the United States’ founding history. On one hand, with the principle of coverture erasing married women’s […]