News, Media & Publications


March 6, 2024

Pushback: The Political Fallout of Unpopular Supreme Court Decisions

In this interdisciplinary book in an interdisciplinary series, Dave Bridge crosses methodological boundaries to offer readers insights on the political “push­back” that historically follows Supreme Court rulings with which most Americans disagree. After developing a framework for identifying the Court’s rare countermajor­itarian decisions, Bridge shows how those decisions that liberals backed in the 1950s through […]

December 6, 2023

RECAP: “Beyond Jefferson,” 12/1 Colloquium w/ KICD Distinguished Visiting Research Fellow Christa Dierksheide

The 1825 rendering of Monticello with which Kinder Institute Distinguished Research Fellow Christa Dierksheide began her December 1 Friday Colloquium Series presentation framed the talk both because of what it depicted and what it didn’t. A vision of pastoral 19th-century domesticity and whiteness, we see two of Jefferson’s granddaughters strolling the mansion’s front lawn while […]