News, Media & Publications


May 10, 2023

RECAP: “Challenging the New Deal’s ‘Contemptible Neglect’,” 4/14 Colloquium w/ Univ. of Mississippi Prof. Jarod Roll

Representing the full diversity of the Depression-era working class, UCAPAWA—United Cannery, Agricultural, Packing, and Allied Workers—faced an uphill battle from the very start. On balance, their constituents were unappealing candidates for unionization: poorly and irregularly paid and rarely in one place for long, making dues collection difficult. Compounding this was that many lived under racialized […]

March 23, 2023

RECAP: “Displays of Force: Black Rebellion & the Spectacular Violence of Police,” March 17 Colloquium w/ Smith College Prof. Erin Pineda

“The whole world is watching,” chanted by anti-Vietnam War protestors outside the Democratic National Convention in 1968 as they were beaten and arrested by Chicago police, was then—and remains today—an utterance rich with political possibility. What, exactly, this possibility is, Smith College Phyllis C. Rappaport ’68 New Century Term Professor of Government Erin Pineda showed […]