News, Media & Publications
March 8, 2017
John Henry Wigmore and the Rules of Evidence Receives Scribes Book Award Honorable Mention
Hearty congratulations are due to University of Oklahoma Assistant Professor of Classics & Letters Andrew Porwancher, whose John Henry Wigmore and the Rules of Evidence: The Hidden Origins of Modern Law, the second title in the Kinder Institute and University of Missouri Press’ Studies in Constitutional Democracy monograph series, was one of two books to receive […]
March 1, 2017
Electing the House: The Adoption and Performance of the U.S. Single-Member District Electoral System
Electing the House is the first book-length study to explore how the US came to adopt the single-member district system, how it solidified into a seemingly permanent fixture of American government, and whether it performs well by the standards it was intended to achieve. Dow traces the history of the present system from its origins […]
February 10, 2017
Horner and Endersby to Receive 2017 Missouri Conference on History Book Award
A big congratulations to the MU Political Science Professors Bill Horner and James Endersby for being selected as recipients of the 2017 Missouri Conference on History Book Award for their co-authored Lloyd Gaines and the Fight to End Segregation, the first title in the Kinder Institute and University of Missouri Press’ Studies in Constitutional Democracy book […]
January 25, 2017
Tour Our Undergraduate Programming
Courtesy of expert Mizzou Creative videographer Mike Boles and a wonderful cast of students, we’re thrilled to provide you a brief glimpse into a day in the life of a Kinder Institute undergrad
January 25, 2017
“The Country’s Plight and How We Escaped It”: Pulitzer Centennial Lecture with UC-Davis Prof. Eric Rauchway
As part of the Pulitzer Prize’s Centennial Campfires Initiative, University of California-Davis Professor of History Eric Rauchway delivered a September 7, 2016, lecture at the University of Missouri examining the causes and consequences of the Great Depression through the lens of Charlie Ross’ 1931 Pulitzer-winning St. Louis Post-Dispatch article, “The Country’s Plight.”
January 25, 2017
“U.S. Imperialism and the Separation of Powers”: Constitution Day Lecture with Prof. Mariah Zeisberg
For the Kinder Institute’s third annual Constitution Day Lecture, University of Michigan Associate Professor of Political Science Mariah Zeisberg gave a September 20 talk entitled, “Our Global Constitution: U.S. Imperialism and the Separation of Powers.”